Will Nancy get in the outrigger canoe and haed out into the South Chaina Sea? Probaby not, but there is a gleam in her eye I think she would love to go out in the water, but we have a meetin in Buang and have to head back soon. Perhaps she will yet go into the China Sea before we leave this wondrful country.
Just a few more inches and I could be in the water, but I don't think I am dressed for the occasion. The weather is very hot and humid, but the breeze off the ocean brings a brief releif from the on slaught of heat.
A beautiful sunset over the China Sea going up the
mountain to Baguio. Look no rain yet today!
As we travel down the mountains each week
to reach the lowlands in order to attend church
the views are spectaular. Here we are looking
out from a mountain top and we can see the
China Sea in the backgroud. Maganda!